ALBUM RELEASE: Tawana Lael | A Brand New Day
Sultry. Soulful. SOUL FULL. Just a few words that articulate this amazing Album Release by Tawana Lael. From the very start, a single rhythmic piano key abets the pulsing bass line in the album’s 1st track, “Taking Back My Power.” Clearly a veteran in the Indie Music industy, Tawana Lael remains true to her roots as she reveals a vulnerable piece of her heart in the beautiful paced ballad, “We Loose.” Any listener who has faced love & its subsequent heartbreak will surely agree, “I don’t wanna go, but it’s killing me to stay… We Loose!” This glorious track fits right in place with her soulful musical list from “What It Be Like” to “A Brand New Lover.”
GNN | GoodEntertainment
Suddenly, you find yourself humming along in step with the fun lyrics in the track entitled, “Crazy Love.”
As for the album, we, at GoodNewsNotebook Magazine, give Tawana Lael and her new Release, “A Brand New” the GoodEntertainment honors of the week. Buy it on ITunes or GooglePlay today.
Tawana Lael is considered a triple threat in the entertainment industry, and she is quickly claiming her place on the world’s entertainment radar. Her song, “Plan B” from her debut album ‘Journey To Love” was recognized as one of the top songs in Billboard’s 17th Annual World Song Contest. Tawana Lael’s first single “Journey To Love” released in 2010 debuted at No. 7 on Mediaguide/Radiowave Urban Satellite Radio; making Tawana the first Independent female artist to do so at that time. To date “Journey To Love” has received well over 4000 spins on Internet, Satellite, and Terrestrial radio stations. Tawana was also nominated “Best Female R&B Artist” and “Best R&B Song” in the 1st Annual Lipstick Radio Indie Awards. Her song, “In This Love” was nominated “Best R&B /Soul Song” in the 13th Annual Independent Music Awards. Tawana Lael’s sophomore album, “A BRAND NEW DAY” is available now on both ITunes or GooglePlay.
Tawana has performed at various venues around New York City such as Sweet Waters, The Waldoff Astoria and Reins. She has also appeared at the world famous Apollo Theatre, where she won first place five consecutive times. Tawana Lael currently resides in Atlanta GA, where audiences have enjoyed listening to her perform live at The Underground Atlanta during The Heritage Arts Festival, Sambuca’s Jazz Cafe, The Apache Cafe, and Centennial Park, just to name a few.
Tawana’s training has been with some of the best in the business. They include but are not limited to Ankh Ra, Making the Band 4 (Vocals); Alvin Ailey Dance School (Ballet, Tap, and Jazz), Melvada Hughes (Choreographer); George Faison (Choreographer); and Hilda Willis (Acting/Career Coach). Tawana Lael has genuine talent and is destined for a long successful career.