
Honoring Sept. 11th… Never Forget

As we reflect on this historic date, let’s also choose to restore our faith in those who keep our Nation safe.  There is no better way to honor the memory of 09-11-01 than to honor the men and women who serve this country.  Make a commitment on this auspicious date to serve our Veterans of each of the Armed Services in a new & innovative way.

Whether they served in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coastal Guard, or National Guard, our safety and protection depends on a special set of women and men have proven their willingness to give their lives for the citizens of the United States of America.  Now, it’s our turn.

Here are few ideas to serve our Veterans as we commemorate 09-11-01:

1.  Simple… Say “Thank You for Your Service.”  If you notice an Active Duty Soldier or an experienced Verteran, then nothing warms their hearts more than this simple 5 word statement.  Try it.  Let our Editor at GNN know what you discovered.  You will be amazed!

2.  Give…  Find a non-profit or charity (aka Veteran Support Service organization) who supports a specific cause.  Whether it is Wounded Warriors (, AMVETS (, or little known VSO’s like Hearts for Veterans LLC in Atlanta, Georgia.

3.  Volunteer… Each of these VSO’s have events throughout the event, not just on Sept. 11th.  Perhaps, Commit to volunteer your time to Veterans Empowerment Organization by clicking this link (



Amid the disaster, we need to NEVER FORGET that there were miracles and GoodNews that occurred as well.   Let’s take the story of the last World Trade Center survivor, Genelle Guzman-MacMillian.  Genelle tell her story in her new book, Angel in the Rubble: The Miraculous Rescue of 9/11’s Last Survivor.  The Port Authority employee and author, says that it is the ordeal of reliving how two hijacked planes 10 years ago sent the World Trade Center crumbling, burying her co-workers and herself beneath piles of rubble. As Guzman-McMillan lay buried alive for nearly 30 hours, the screams she heard in the darkness around her soon faded away. She was alone, she thought, and could think of only one thing to do – cry out to God.


Consider review the Veteran Service Organization (VSO) Directory in detail for additional opportunities.  In this official publication by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (, you will find VSO’s and connect with their missions that will affect you beyond 9/11 to the ones who serves us so well… OUR ACTIVE DUTY SOLDIERS AND OUR VETERANS!

DOWNLOAD IT NOW:  The Directory of Veteran Service Organizations (VSO’s)

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